Hey Sistas

Hello! My name is Roneshia and I am the creator of The Sistahood. Thanks for having a seat at my table. There’s plenty of Room. Stretch out. Make yourself comfortable. You’re in a safe space. There’s plenty of food (information). There’s plenty of love. This blog is very intentional. My husband suggested blogging to me several times, but the timing wasn’t right. Now, is the time. Women are finding their voices to speak out against many injustices. I stand with you. This blog is a dedicated space for my sistas. Sometimes, you just need your sistas, literally and figuratively. My grandmother used to say, “Women have to go through so much.” Isn’t that the truth? The expectations are HIGH for women and mothers. We’re expected to be perfect, pretty, well behaved, proper, respectable, compassionate, great cooks, caretakers, problem solvers and on and on and on. I’m here to say take a seat! No, really. Sit down! You don’t have to do it all and you shouldn’t do it all. Learn to love yourself. Practice self care! Do good. Start a side hustle. Do something you love. Give back. There’s more to life than living up to the labels the world has given us.

Stay tuned.

We will discuss many hoods in this blog. Motherhood. Adulthood. Servanthood. Womanhood. Childhood. And Livelihood to name a few.

Let me know what you want to hear about.

My mission is to educate, encourage, and entertain.





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